Last class we discussed masculinity. We thought about the difference between toxic masculinity and just regular old masculinity. In class a question was raised if being masculine is a bad thing. Of course, the answer is no. Being masculine can be really great.
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Masculinity is a set of attributes, behaviors and roles associated with boys and men. Toxic Masculinity is the masculinity that is bad. Some examples of this is physical aggression, homophobia, misogyny, sexual assault and many other terrible things. However; To be masculine does not mean you engage in the terrible things. As Ally pointed out in class, there is a difference between being masculine and being a garbage person.
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 What does being masculine look like? Well it depends on your culture. In North America masculine is usually attributes like courage, hard working, and being assertive. Some people may think that feminism is all about hating all forms of masculinity but it is more about stopping oppression of everyone. Of course I am sure somewhere in the world there are radical feminist who want to destroy all men but there are extremists in every group of people. Do not fret men. You can still take pride in working hard, providing for a family, and playing sports (if that's what your into).
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What is most unfortunate is that toxic masculinity is often encouraged by our society. Our society asks men to be physically strong and emotionless. Best said by bell hooks, "Patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts psychic self mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves" (Hooks, 2013). Toxic masculinity limits the intimacy men can feel and their lives and gives them a hurtful standard to live up to. In this video it explains how toxic masculinity effects a boys relationships as he grows older:

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In conclusion, Masculinity is just fine. Toxic masculinity is something negative that society has produced using stereotypes of the typical man. Courage, bravery and independence are all positive masculine attributes that anyone (including women) can have! Being masculine is great but being sexist, racist, homophobic or sexually violent is not. The easiest way to know if you are participating in toxic actions is to ask yourself if you are being appropriate within the setting your in. For example, you may be ok saying the lords name in vein around friends or family but if you were in church there might people that find this offensive. Some things are just never appropriate in any setting, for example, rape jokes, racist remarks or insulting someones opinions.

                                  Image result for dont be a jerk


aneleyshu. (2010, July 20). All the bedridden unemployed can rejoice. Retrieved from Ivy Leagued and Unemployed:
gettyimages. (n.d.). Happy Man Drinking From A Bottle. Retrieved from Getty Images:
Miguire, T. (2016, July 15). Boys Don't Cry, Girls Can't Laugh. Retrieved from Semple:
The Momoirs. (2017). How To Not Be A Jerk To Your Childless Friends In 7 Easy Steps. Retrieved from The Momoirs:


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